You know what's really annoying? When people who don't post blog entries very often start off by complaining about how they don't post blog entries very often. I'm glad I don't do that. (more…)
I'm not going to go into too many details in this post because everything is covered on the main promo page.
But surely you're curious about my plan involving dozens and dozens of naked people running, right?
I thought so. Go read about it here!
If you know me, you're probably aware that I divide my photography into two categories: 1) underwater figure photography, and 2) ridiculously large projects that involve upwards of 100 naked people to pull off. Sometime around May of this year I came up with an idea for my next big photo project and started getting things ready so I could launch it after the summer underwater season ended.
There was just one problem... I didn't really like the project concept.
Well, maybe it's a bit strong to say "didn't like," but something about it always felt half-baked to me. Even after I spent a couple days assembling the main prop needed for the photos I could not get motivated to do anything more with. It has been sitting in the basement studio for about two months; even though I wasn't planning to kick off the project until September, I still hoped that seeing the setup every day would eventually inspire me to make whatever alternation necessary to elevate it from a so-so idea into something viable.
So, I'm putting it on ice. I'm going to disassemble the prop and let the whole idea kick around in the back of my head for however long it takes to come together. But that's OK, because I've got a better idea!
I am officially announcing that I will indeed be kicking off a new large-scale project, hopefully in September. Like its predecessors it will require a lot of naked people (exactly how many, I don't know). The finished piece will be fairly large (exactly how large, I don't know). Yes, there's a theme to this thing, but I'm going to keep that secret for now. I will say that one of my top requirements for a new project is that it has to be fun for the participants, and I think I've nailed that for this one.
I have a lot of logistics to work out over the next couple weeks, not to mention a few more underwater photo shoots to do. But if everything goes according to plan, we'll get things rolling in about a month. Now, if you've read this far, I'm willing to bet you'd love to be a part of this project! Am I right, or am I right?! All you need to do is follow the link below to my sign-up form, and you'll be among the first to be notified when the project is ready for you!
Because people keep asking me what I have planned for SEAF 2013...
And because I know there are people out there waiting to hear what I'm doing so they can be among the first to volunteer...
And because I haven't posted anything to this blog in a couple months...
... I'm ready to announce the details of my SEAF 2013 project.
I'm not doing anything.
Faithful followers know that my projects tend to be rather large and complex; there really isn't any way to do something that uses 100 volunteers and pull it off with just a few hours of work. These things take a hell of a lot of planning, can stretch over several months of shooting, and then can take more months of production and construction. Having gone through that cycle the past three years I'm simply ready to take a break. As much as I'd love to have 100 of you visit the house to disrobe for my camera, it's just not something that's going to happen this season.
But yes, I do have a few project ideas in mind for the future, so let's stay in touch, OK?