I always love when I connect with people through interesting channels and my August 2012 shoot with Sara certainly qualifies. So, exactly how did she end up in our pool that summer day? Let’s review:
For the past few years, my wife and I have had a twisted relationship with musician Amanda Palmer. And by “twisted relationship” I mean that whenever she’s in town, we fix a big backstage meal for her and the crew. I really don’t think she’d bother performing in Seattle any more if we stopped doing this. Seriously.
- Through Amanda we have also gotten to know Seattle musician Jason Webley. I’ve known of Jason for many years, but it’s relatively recently that we’ve actually known him. We’ve extended our food preparation talents to some of his shows as well.
- Last November, Amanda and her husband (some hack writer) did a show in Seattle, followed a couple days later by Jason’s big farewell-for-now show. It was quite a busy week; Carol even made a birthday cake that was delivered to Amanda’s husband on stage.
- At some point prior to this I told Amanda that she was going to be a participant in my Ant Farm project. Notice I did not say “ask” because sometimes you just have to tell people what they are going to do.
- A couple days after Jason’s show, there was a nice wind-down potluck dinner held at Jason’s parent’s house. Amanda and I decided that this would be were we would do the photo shoot. There weren’t exactly a lot of places in the house were we could unobtrusively take naked pictures, but we found a spot in the hallway at the top of the stairs. Add that to the long list of places in the world where Amanda has been naked.
- Naturally this caused a bit of “hey, what was that all about?” conversation and I ended up talking about the project to a number of people. One of them was a young woman named Sara who said she’d definitely like to be in it. I gave her my card and asked her to get in touch with me as soon as it was convenient.
- A few days later Sara was at the house for the Ant Farm shoot. The moment she went up on her toes en pointe I said “Uh, this summer I want you to do underwater photos with me.” She said OK and we left it at that.
- Eight months later we were in the pool. She brought a birdcage.
Simple, huh?